List the environmental factors that affect your self-esteem.

We know that our environment affects our health and wellbeing in many ways, but it can also have a significant impact on our self-esteem. If you feel like your self-worth is tied to the things you take for granted, such as clean air and water, read on for some ideas on how to improve your quality of life without negatively impacting the environment. Some of the environmental factors that can affect our self-esteem include: – Pollution: Polluting factories and cars can leave us feeling disconnected from the natural world. – Climate Change: Changes in climate are leading to more extreme weather conditions, which can have a direct impact on our mental health. – Habitat Loss: Unprotected and uncontrolled development is threatening habitats all over the world, including those that support wildlife. – Species Extinction: The loss of plants and animals is happening all the time, which can lead to feelings of loneliness and loss.

How your environment affects your self-esteem

There are many environmental factors that can affect a person’s self-esteem. Some of these factors may be the people around them, the things they see and hear, or how they are treated by others. Here is a list of some of the most common environmental factors that can have an impact on a person’s self-esteem:

1. People who are physically attractive often have greater self-esteem than people who are not as physically attractive.
2. Children who are praised and given positive feedback for their work in school often have higher self-esteem than children who are not praised or given positive feedback for their work in school.
3. People who live in environments that value achievement and accomplishment often have higher self-esteem than people who live in environments that do not value achievement and accomplishment.
4. People who experience abuse or violence often have lower self-esteem than people who do not experience abuse or violence.
5. People with strong personal values (such as honesty, integrity, and respect) tend to have high self-esteems regardless of the environment in which they live.

The role of culture in self-esteem

There are a number of environmental factors that can affect your self-esteem. Some of these include:
Your socioeconomic status
Your race
What is Your sex
What is Your age
The best Your location

Environmental factors that can impact self-esteem

Environmental factors that can impact self-esteem can be summarized as follows:

1) Social environment. The social environment, or the way people treat you, can have a significant impact on your self-esteem. If you feel ostracized or isolated, your self-esteem will likely suffer.

2) Family environment. Your family’s culture and values may play a role in how you view yourself. If your family is critical and lacking in support, your self-esteem may be damaged.

3) Economic environment. Money matters can have a big impact on self-esteem. If you’re struggling to make ends meet, for example, your sense of self-worth may take a hit.

4) Physical environment. The physical environment can also affect how we view ourselves. A chaotic home or neighborhood can lead to low self-esteem, while an idyllic setting might boost it up.

5) Educational environment. Whether you’re successful or not at school often has a big impact on how people perceive you – including your own self-image. For example, if you feel like you’re constantly falling behind in school, this could lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.


Self-esteem is a complex topic that can be affected by a number of environmental factors. Here are five of the most common:

1. Parental investment: Children who receive consistent and high levels of parental investment in their development have higher self-esteem than children who do not, according to research from the University of Virginia. This includes things like providing positive reinforcement, being emotionally supportive, and spending time with the child.

2. Social environment: The social environment is everything around us that affects how we feel about ourselves. For example, if people make fun of us or ignore us, our self-esteem will likely decline.

3. School performance: If you do poorly in school, your self-esteem may take a hit as well. This is because many kids equate success with good academic performance, which means they feel unsuccessful when they don’t meet expectations.

4. Body image: Our body image can be strongly influenced by the media and other people in our life. If we see too many images in which people are thin and beautiful, for example, we may begin to feel unattractive ourselves.

5. Prejudice: We all experience prejudice at some point in our lives – whether it’s feeling like we’re different from everyone else or simply experiencing discrimination on an individual level. When this happens over time, it can have a negative effect on our self-esteem.

Family Dynamics

Self-esteem, like any other emotion, can be affected by a variety of environmental factors. Some of those factors include:

-Your family dynamics. If your parents are unsupportive or minimizing of your achievements or feelings, that will likely have an impact on your self-esteem.
-Your peer group. If you’re surrounded by people who constantly put themselves first and make you feel inferior, it can have a lasting negative effect on your self-esteem.
-Your physical appearance. If you’re generally uncomfortable with how you look, that can lead to feelings of low self-esteem.
-The things you do and don’t wear. If you often feel like no matter what you wear or how pretty you are, people are going to judge you negatively, that will also affect your self-esteem.

Peer Pressure

Peer pressure can be a very real thing for some people. It can come from friends, family, or even strangers. It can be hard to stand up to peer pressure, but it’s important to do so if you want to maintain your self-esteem. Here are some environmental factors that can affect your self-esteem:

1. Academic achievement. If you’re not doing well in school, it will likely reflect on your self-esteem. People tend to compare themselves with others, and if you’re not living up to the expectations of your peers, you may feel like a failure.

2. Weight. Just like people tend to compare themselves with others when it comes to academic achievement and other life goals, they also do so when it comes to weight. If you’re overweight or obese, it may be hard for people around you to accept this about you, which can lead to feelings of low self-esteem.

3. Sexual orientation and gender identity/expression. Some people feel much more pressure from their peers when it comes to their sexuality or gender identity/expression than others do. For example, gay teenagers may experience a lot of bullying based on their sexual orientation, while transgender teenagers may experience a lot of pressure from their peers regarding their gender identity/expression (e.g., wanting to use the bathroom that corresponds with their identified gender).

4. Money and material possessions. People often compare themselves with others based on how much money they have

Media Influences

There are many environmental factors that affect our self-esteem, both positively and negatively. Some of the most common ones include the following:

1) The way we look in the mirror.
2) How others treat us.
3) Our level of happiness or unhappiness.
4) What we see in the media.
5) Our physical appearance.

Cultural Norms

There are a variety of environmental factors that can affect your self-esteem, such as the quality of your physical appearance and the situation you are in. Other environmental factors that have been found to be associated with lower self-esteem include poverty, racism, sexual orientation discrimination, and having someone compared to you in a negative way. It is important to remember that there is no one right way to feel about yourself, and what affects one person may not affect another. The following are some cultural norms that have been linked with lower self-esteem:

-Being Thin : There is a lot of pressure to be thin in today’s society, and this can lead to feelings of insecurity and shame if you are not able to meet this standard.

-Having High Standards : It is common for people to have high standards for themselves, which can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction when they don’t reach their goals.

-Witnessing Violence or Abuse : witnessing violence or abuse can cause intense emotional distress, which can in turn lower your self-esteem.

Economic Status

There are many environmental factors that can affect your self-esteem. Some of these factors include having a safe and healthy environment to live in, feeling supported by friends and family, having opportunities to do what you enjoy, and having a positive body image. Each person’s experience with these different environmental factors is unique, so it is important to seek out advice from others if you are struggling with how your environment is impacting your self-esteem.

There are many environmental factors that affect our self-esteem. Some of these include: our body image, the way we’re treated by others, the socioeconomic status of our family and friends, how much air and water we have to breathe, and how healthy our environment is.

The way we view ourselves can be greatly influenced by how we feel about our physical appearance. If you feel like you’re not attractive or your body isn’t in good shape, this can lead to low self-esteem. Additionally, if you live in a city with high levels of pollution or where there’s little access to fresh water, you may start to feel like you don’t belong. This can also have a negative impact on your self-esteem.

If someone treats you poorly or makes fun of your appearance, this can also damage your self-esteem. It’s important to remember that nobody deserves to be treated poorly just because they have an imperfect body or face. If someone is hurting your feelings, it’s important to speak up – calmly and assertively – so that the situation can be resolved as quickly as possible.

Another environmental factor that can affect our self-esteem is socioeconomic status. Children from wealthier families tend to develop higher self-esteem than children from poorer families does for a variety of reasons. One reason is that children from wealthy families are more likely to receive positive reinforcement from their parents and other adults in their lives which helps build their self-confidence and esteem overall. Additionally

outside influences that affect self-esteem come from

Environmental factors that affect self-esteem come from a variety of outside sources. These include things like family dynamics, peer pressure, media exposure and parenting styles. While many external factors are out of our control, there are some things we can do to boost our self-confidence. The following tips can help:

1. Learn to trust your instincts – Self-esteem is partly based on our feelings of self-worth and self-efficacy. When we feel good about ourselves, we’re more likely to take pride in our accomplishments and be less critical of ourselves. One way to develop this confidence is by trusting your own intuition and intuition alone. Don’t try to second guess yourself or doubting your own thoughts or feelings. If something bothers you, just let it go. You’ll be surprised how much better this makes you feel in the long run!

2. Believe in yourself – It’s important to have faith in who you are as a person. This doesn’t mean being conceited or arrogant – simply believing in your capabilities will help build self-esteem. Encourage yourself by telling yourself positive things about yourself every day – even when you don’t feel like it! Write down five things that you like about yourself every day and post them where you can see them (maybe on your bathroom mirror or bedroom wall). Doing this regularly will help remind you why you’re worth investing in and what great things you’ve already accomplished!

3. Set realistic goals

list the environmental factors that affect your self esteem

There are many environmental factors that can affect your self-esteem. Some of the most common are things like how you look, what others say about you, and how much money you have. However, there are also other factors that can impact your self-esteem, like how you feel about yourself and how well you think you’re doing.

Some of the environmental factors that can affect your self-esteem include:

– How you look: Body image is a big part of self-esteem, and it can be affected by a variety of things in the environment. Your physical appearance can be influenced by anything from the media to your own thoughts and feelings. If you feel unattractive or uncomfortable in your skin, it will likely have an impact on your self-esteem.

– What others say about you: Whether it’s good or bad news, hearing other people’s opinions about you is bound to have an impact on your esteem. If they overwhelmingly positive or negative, it might start to wear on your confidence over time.

– Money: It’s no secret that having more money makes people feel better about themselves. That being said, having too much money can also lead to negative feelings about yourself if all of the attention goes to material things instead of happiness and fulfillment.

list some things that you can do to help improve your own self-esteem.

There are many things that you can do to improve your own self-esteem. Some of the environmental factors that can affect your self-esteem include:

1. Speak your mind – Be brave enough to say what you think, even if it’s not popular. This will help you build confidence and trust in yourself.

2. Exercise – Getting physically active helps boost feelings of well-being and can also improve self-esteem. Not only will you feel better, but your body will thank you with improved physical abilities and stronger muscles.

3. Eat healthy foods – Healthy eating is a great way to boost your mood and keep your body healthy. Make sure to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet for optimum self-esteem benefits!

4. Connect with people who make you happy – Friends, family, and loved ones are essential in building strong self-esteem. It’s important to surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself, as they will help promote positive emotional habits that last a lifetime.

describe what self-esteem is.

Self-esteem is the general sense of worth that a person places on themselves. It can be affected by a variety of environmental factors, some of which are outside of our control. Unfortunately, many people have low self-esteem because they feel like they don’t measure up to society’s expectations or their own personal standards. Some things that can contribute to low self-esteem include:

1) being bullied or having been bullied in the past
2) experiencing poverty or other forms of financial hardship
3) growing up in an environment where relationships are unstable or there is violence
4) having low self-confidence due to physical appearance issues, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, etc.
5) experiencing medical illnesses or disabilities
6) lacking opportunities and achievement in life

discuss how self-esteem level has been linked to perceived successes and failures in life.

There are a number of environmental factors that can affect self-esteem. Some of these include how people are treated by others, what they see in the media, and how successful or unsuccessful they feel in their own lives.

One way that people’s self-esteem is affected is by how they’re treated by others. If someone consistently treats them poorly, it can lead to feelings of worthlessness and eventually decreased self-esteem. On the other hand, if someone gives positive feedback and compliments, it can boost someone’s self-esteem and make them feel more confident in themselves.

The media also has a big impact on people’s self-esteem. Media outlets often depict people in a negative light, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy. This happens because when we look at the media, we’re not seeing ourselves in a good light – we’re seeing ourselves as flawed individuals who are less than perfect. This type of exposure can have a lasting effect on our self-esteem and confidence.

And lastly, success or failure in life can have an impact on someone’s self-esteem. When we experience setbacks or failures, it can create feelings of doubt and insecurity. These feelings will likely affect our perception of our own abilities, which will then affect our self-esteem further down the line.

4 major factors that influence self-esteem

1.Your relationships with others: The people in your life have a significant impact on your level of self-esteem. If you feel loved and supported by those around you, your self-esteem will be higher than if you don’t feel this way. However, negative relationships can also lead to lower levels of self-esteem..

2.Your physical appearance: Your body image is heavily influenced by the people around you, as well as the media that you consume. If you don’t feel good about yourself, it’s likely that others will see this too. There’s no “perfect” body type, so accept yourself for who you are and love all of your curves!

3.Your achievements: Success or failure in life has a huge impact on our self-esteem. We tend to compare ourselves to other people who are doing better than us, which can lead to feelings of low self-worth. However, we should remember that everyone experiences setbacks and failures at some point in their lives – it’s what makes us unique and special!

4.Your thoughts: Just as our emotions are influenced by our environment, so too are our thoughts. We’re constantly bombarded with messages from the media, friends, family and strangers on social media – all of which can have an impact on how we think about ourselves. Make sure that the thoughts that occupy your mind are good ones – things that make you proud of who you are!

list the factors that undermine self-esteem

There are many environmental factors that can affect your self-esteem. Some of these include: parenting styles, peer pressure, stress, and academic challenges. Here are some more specific examples:

1. Parenting styles can have a huge impact on your self-esteem. If your parents were tough on you or never showed you any love, it may be hard for you to feel good about yourself. It’s important to have positive role models in your life who show you how to treat yourself well.

2. Peer pressure can be a major factor in reducing self-esteem. If everyone around you is constantly telling you how ugly or stupid you are, it can be difficult to feel good about yourself. Try to find friends who make you feel good about yourself instead of putting you down.

3. Stress can also have a major impact on self-esteem. If life is always busy and there’s never enough time for you, it may be hard to feel satisfied with what you have. Try to set aside time each day to focus on yourself and take care of yourself. This will help reduce stress and improve your mood overall.

4. Academic challenges can also be stressful and lead to low self-esteem if they’re too difficult or if they’re not related to what we want to do in life (i.e., our passion). Make sure that the classes that are stressing you out aren’t beyond your ability level or don’t conflict with what else you’re

what are the factors affecting self-confidence

There are many environmental factors that can affect your self-confidence. These include things like your social environment, the way you’re treated by others, and the way you think about yourself. Here are five of the most common environmental factors that can have an impact on your self-esteem:

1. Social Environment

Your social environment is crucial for building self-confidence. It includes everything from the people you hang out with to the groups you belong to. If you feel like you don’t fit in or that people don’t accept you, this can damage your self-esteem.

2. Body Image

The way you view your body is important for building self-confidence. If you feel insecure about your appearance, this can have a negative impact on your self-esteem. You may start to doubt yourself and feel like you don’t deserve good things in life because of how you look.

3. Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is when someone abuses or mistreats you emotionally without any physical violence involved. This type of abuse can have a devastating effect on your self-esteem and morale. It can make it difficult to trust yourself or believe in yourself, which can lead to low confidence overall.

4. Low Self-Esteem Traits

If there are certain things about yourself that make you feel embarrassed or inferior, this will likely have a negative impact on your self-esteem too. People with low self-esteem tend

factors affecting self-esteem pdf

There are many environmental factors that can affect your self-esteem. These may be things like whether you feel valued by your family or friends, whether you have positive body image, and whether you feel like you’re good at what you do. Some of the other environmental factors that can affect your self-esteem include your level of education, where you live, your job, and how much money you have.

There are many environmental factors that can affect your self-esteem. Some of these factors are personal experiences, things people say to you, how you look to other people, and how you think about yourself. Many times, the things that happen to us in our everyday lives affect our self-esteem more than we realize.

One way that your environment can impact your self-esteem is by making you feel unattractive or unworthy. If you have low self-esteem, you may start to think that no matter what you do or how much success you have, other people will always find something wrong with you. This can make it difficult to build confidence and trust in relationships.

Other environmental factors that can impact your self-esteem include things like living in a high crime area or being around negative people all the time. These situations can lead to feelings of insecurity and fear which can damage your self-esteem further. Additionally, experiencing stress or anxiety on a regular basis can also have a negative impact on your sense of worthiness and self-confidence.

Fortunately, there are ways that you can reduce the effects of some of these environmental factors on your self-esteem. You can trytalking to friends and family about how they make you feel and see if there is anything that they could do differently to help improve your moods. Additionally, taking care of yourself mentally and physically is important for maintaining a good mental health status as well as improving one’s physical appearance.

what are the 3 factors that influence the self?

According to a 2009 study published in the “Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,” there are three environmental factors that influence self-esteem: parenting, peer relationships, and community. Parenting is the most important factor for developing self-esteem because it shapes how children perceive themselves and interacts with their environment. Children who feel loved and appreciated by their parents have higher self-esteem than children who do not. Peers also play an important role in developing self-esteem. Children who have positive relationships with their friends have higher self-esteem than children who do not. Finally, community can also affect self-esteem. It has been shown that people with high self-esteem tend to live in communities where they feel accepted and valued.


There are countless environmental factors that affect our self-esteem, but some of the most common include things like poverty, racism, and sexism. No matter what your socioeconomic status may be or how you identify yourself (i.e. as a woman, person of color, LGBTQ+, etc.), there are certain environmental factors that can affect your self-esteem on an individual level. If you want to increase your self-esteem and decrease the negative effects of these external forces on your psyche, it’s important to learn more about them and take action to help change them.

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