Quaid e azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Quaid e Azam (QEJ) is the founder of Pakistan. He was born in 1876 and died in 1948. He is known as Quaid-e-Azam because he was the first president of Pakistan.Quaid e azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a founding father of Pakistan. He was born in Karachi, Pakistan. He became a lawyer and joined the All India Muslim League in 1906.

Quaid e azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born in a village called Lyari in the British Indian province of Punjab. His family had been settled there for many years and were well known for their service to the British government. He was born on 11th August, 1897 and was the only son of the late Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan. He was educated at the Hindu School in Lahore and the Aligarh Muslim University. He was the first President of Pakistan and the first Governor General of Pakistan.Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a great leader, patriot and visionary.

 His father was an Advocate in the Sindh High Court. He attended the prestigious Elphinstone College in Bombay and then moved to England where he studied at the University of London and Oxford. He returned to India in 1905 and established the Muslim League in 1906. In 1909, he became the first President of the Muslim League.

The great Pakistani politician and founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born on 12th July, 1876 in the city of Gujranwala. His father, Moulvi Ismailuddin, was a respected Muslim cleric and his mother, Fatima, was a housewife. His parents named him after the eighth Shia Imam, Ali bin Hussain. In 1903, at the age of 17, Jinnah joined the University of Punjab and became a student of law. During his time as a student, Jinnah developed a keen interest in politics and became a member of the Muslim League. In 1912, he became president of the Lahore branch of the League.

1. Born in the British Indian Empire

Pakistan is a country in South Asia, bordering India, Afghanistan and China. It was created in 1947 as a homeland for the Muslim people of British India, who were granted the right to self-determination. The Muslim League, a political party, won a majority of seats in the first elections held after independence, and its leader, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, became the first governor general of Pakistan.

2. His father’s name was Ghulam Ahmad

He is the founder of Pakistan, who played an important role in the creation of the country. He was born in the village of Lyari in British India. His father’s name was Ghulam Ahmad, a Sufi saint and a religious leader. He was a very intelligent man and he was a very religious person. He started to think about Pakistan when he was only 13 years old. He was a student at the Madrasa-e-Aliya in Bhopal. He went to England for higher studies and graduated from the University College London in 1912. In 1913, he started working as a lawyer.

3. He was the grandson of Shaikh Allama Iqbal

He was born on September 10, 1876, at a time when the British East India Company still ruled most of what is now Pakistan. His grandfather, the great poet-philosopher-saint-scholar-leader-statesman-poet-philosopher-theologian-legendary-and-world-famous-Islamic-philosopher-theologian-Muslim-Sufi-mystic-and-great-saint-Shaikh-Allama-Iqbal, was a political leader in the struggle for Pakistan. The family lived in the village of Lyallpur (now Faisalabad) in Punjab province, which was then part of the British Empire. The family was Sunni Muslim, and the boy was educated at the Islamia College, Aligarh.

4. His father’s family was originally from Punjab

The story of Muhammad Ali Jinnah is a fascinating one. A man who had been born into the world with a silver spoon in his mouth, he found himself thrust into the middle of a political struggle that would change the very fabric of the country. In this post, we’ll learn how this great man was born into a family that was originally from Punjab, and why it was so important for him to become involved in the struggle for independence.

5. He was born in a Muslim family in Lahore

Muhammad Ali Jinnah is known as the founder of Pakistan and the founder of the modern day state of Pakistan. He was born in a Muslim family in Lahore in 1876. He was the second child of a wealthy lawyer, Muhammad Ali. His father was a supporter of the Indian National Congress, a political party that was opposed to the British Raj.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah (1876-1948. was born in a Muslim family in the Punjab region of British India. As a child, he attended the Government High School, where he was a keen student and won a scholarship to attend the prestigious Harrow School in England. Jinnah’s father, a Muslim, wanted him to become a lawyer, but his mother, a Hindu, thought he should become a doctor. Jinnah himself had no particular career plan, but his father encouraged him to enter politics.

6. His mother was of Gujarati origin

The father of Pakistan was born into an aristocratic Muslim family in British India. His mother was of Gujarati origin. She was educated at home by her father, who was a teacher of Islam. Her mother was a Hindu. Jinnah’s parents were in a relationship for many years, but they never married.

7. His parents had to leave India because of his father’s religious beliefs

Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born in 1876 in a small village called Bhatti in the Punjab region of British India. He was the eldest of seven children. His father, a Muslim, and mother, a Hindu, were both devout. They believed that Islam was the one true religion, and they wanted their children to be brought up in the Muslim faith. But in the late 1800s, when Jinnah was only a boy, the British government passed a law that made it illegal for Muslims to convert to other religions. In 1892, his father and his family were forced to leave India and move to the new homeland of Pakistan. They settled in a town called Lyallpur, which is now called Lahore.

8. He was a great athlete and a brilliant student

In a nutshell, he was a great athlete and a brilliant student. But that’s not what people remember about him. They remember his defiance of the American government, his stance on racial equality, and his refusal to be drafted into the Vietnam War.

9. He was an active participant in the freedom movement

Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a freedom fighter, politician, and the founder of Pakistan. In 1947, he was elected as the first Governor General of Pakistan and served until his death in 1948.As a young boy, he was raised in a strict Muslim household. His father was a lawyer and his mother was a teacher. In fact, the family moved to England when Jinnah was only 5 years old. His father was not very happy about the move, but his mother insisted that it was for the best. Jinnah’s father was a very hard-working man and had a lot of responsibilities. He taught his son the importance of hard work and discipline.

10. He attended the University of Punjab

He attended the University of Punjab and was a brilliant student. He also studied at the University of Chicago where he met his wife, and later joined the Muslim League.

11. He studied at Oxford University

Born in British India, Muhammad Ali Jinnah attended the prestigious Oxford University where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics in 1915.

12. He was a lawyer by profession

“I am a lawyer. I’m a Muslim. My religion teaches me to help the poor. It’s my religion.”

13. He was the first Muslim president of the Indian National Congress

“The first Muslim President of the Indian National Congress” is a title that has been bestowed upon a number of prominent figures over the years. In fact, it’s been given to several prominent leaders, including Jawaharlal Nehru, Rajendra Prasad, and Zakir Hussain. This particular honor is most often given to those who were instrumental in the creation of the country of Pakistan (or India). Today, however, we’re going to take a look at a man who was the first Muslim President of the Indian National Congress.

14. He was one of the founding members of the Pakistan Movement

Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a Pakistani lawyer, politician, and one of the founding members of the Pakistan Movement. He is widely considered to be the father of modern day Pakistan.In the early 1940s, a young Muslim lawyer, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, was chosen to lead the struggle for independence from British rule in India. As a founding member of the Pakistan Movement, he was one of the founding fathers of modern Pakistan.

15. He was one of the founders of Pakistan

In his life, Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a very successful lawyer, a politician, a political leader, and a great human being. Jinnah is known for many things, but perhaps the most famous is that he helped found the state of Pakistan. He was also the founder of the Muslim League and the Quaid-e-Azam. He is considered to be the father of the Pakistani nation and is regarded as one of the most influential Muslims of all time.

16. He was the first Governor General of Pakistan

“He was the first Governor General of Pakistan” is a sentence that can be uttered by many people. But the man who actually said it is none other than the first Governor General of Pakistan—Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

17. He was a great leader and a great visionary

This is the story of a man who was a great leader and a great visionary. He fought for the rights of the Muslims of the subcontinent, and in the process he became the founder of Pakistan.It’s no secret that the greatest leaders are those who can see the future. The ability to predict the future is what separates great leaders from ordinary ones. As a result, many of the world’s most successful people were able to accurately forecast what would happen over the course of their lives. 

18. He died on the 21st of July

The death of the founder of Pakistan has taken place on the 21st of July. His passing has come as a shock to the world. Jinnah was a visionary, a leader, a symbol of resistance against the British Empire and a pioneer of the modern state of Pakistan. He has been called the father of Pakistan and his passing is a loss to the world.

19. He was the first person to have the initials “M.A. Jinnah” inscribed on his tomb

M.A. Jinnah was the first person to have the initials “M.A. Jinnah” inscribed on his tomb. This post explains why this is so important and why it’s a story worth sharing.

20. He was the founder of the Pakistani nation

In 1947, when the British were leaving India, the people of India chose to divide themselves into two separate nations—India and Pakistan. The leader of the Indian side was Mohandas Gandhi, while the leader of the Pakistani side was Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

21. Muhammad Ali Jinnah Net worth

Muhammad Ali Jinnah is an Indian politician who served as the first Governor-General of Pakistan. He was born on May 25, 1876 in the city of Gujranwala in Punjab province of British India, which is now in Pakistan. In 1947, he led the Muslim League in the first general election of the newly created Dominion of Pakistan, and was elected to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan. He was the Leader of the Muslim League and President of the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan from 1947 until his death in 1948.His net worth is estimated to be around $50 million.


In conclusion, the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a leader of the Indian National Congress who led the Pakistan movement in the late 1940s and early 1950s. He was the first Governor-General of Pakistan, the first Chief Minister of West Bengal, and the founder of Pakistan. He is widely regarded as the father of the modern state of Pakistan.

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