7 Common Injuries That Fall Under Workers Comp Claims

If you are an employee and you have been injured while on the job, it’s essential to understand how workers’ compensation works.

Workers comp covers a range of common injuries, and this blog will break down the types of damages that fall under this umbrella. Knowing what is covered can help you make a claim if needed.

1- Slip and Fall Accidents

Slips and falls are among the most common causes of workplace injury, particularly in a manufacturing environment or any occupation requiring employees to climb ladders or use scaffolding. If your slip and fall were caused by hazardous conditions at work, such as a slippery floor surface, you might be entitled to workers’ comp benefits.

2- Back Injuries

Back injuries can occur due to lifting heavy objects, overexertion, falling, or any other type of physical activity at work. Pain in the back is usually chronic and can lead to long-term disability if not treated properly.

3- Stress Injuries

Stress is essential in determining whether an injury is covered by workers comp or not. Stress-related injuries are more difficult to prove than physical ones. Still, they often carry more severe consequences, such as depression or anxiety disorders, which can prevent employees from carrying out their duties effectively and may require long-term treatment or therapy sessions to return to work safely and productively.

4- Repetitive Motion Injuries

Repetitive motion injuries can occur anywhere from construction sites to office cubicles. These injuries occur when individuals do the same motion repeatedly, resulting in pain or discomfort.

5- Broken Bones

Broken bones are also covered under workers comp so long as they occurred due to an accident at work rather than some form of negligence on behalf of the employer.

Depending on the severity of the fracture, broken bones can take several weeks or even months before they fully heal; during this time, employees must receive all necessary medical care and any wage replacement benefits they may be entitled to while recovering from their injury.

6- Skin Burns & Cuts

Skin burns and cuts are another type of injury that fall under workers comp claims provided they were sustained in a workplace accident rather than through normal wear-and-tear or misuse of equipment, machinery, tools, etc.

Depending on the severity, skin burns or cuts can require hospitalization for immediate treatment. During this time, wage replacement benefits and access to appropriate medical care should be provided throughout the recovery period.

7- Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injury is another severe injury that can lead to serious physical impairments such as loss of motor functions, speech difficulties, cognitive dysfunction, etc.

As with other workplace accidents requiring medical attention and recovery periods away from work, TBIs also qualify for workers comp claims so long as they were sustained in a workplace accident rather than due to negligence on the employer’s part.

7 Common Injuries That Fall Under Workers Comp Claims – In Summary

Employees and employers need to know precisely what kind of injuries qualify for workers comp claims so that they can make a claim should need to arise. Employers to be prepared due to an unexpected workplace accident occurring on the job site.

It’s always best to check with the best insurance specialist to ensure maximum coverage to relieve incurred expenses related to treatment rehabilitation therapies associated with common workplace accidents.

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